It's been a very long winter, hasn't it? I don't know about you, but I've been itching for spring to come. For lots of people, however, the itching begins now that spring is here! Already the maple trees are in full bloom and the birch, ash, oak and pine cannot be far behind. After that come the flowers and grasses and allergy season is in full swing.
If you suffer from the itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and wheezing of allergies, there is an alternative. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for the symptoms of allergy. It's best to begin treatment a month before the plants you are allergic to come into season, but will also be effective if you are already suffering from symptoms. Treatments will be weekly to start and then decrease as symptoms subside. Most people will find that their symptoms decrease the following year as they begin treatment again. In fact, many people eventually become symptom free.
So, if you are tired of hiding in a closed house to avoid the pollen or being reliant on medication in order to be able to enjoy the outdoors, give our office a call and set up an appointment. Wouldn't you rather be itching for the spring to arrive than itching when it gets here?